FYI Investigates: Children of War

First News TV - Investigates


One year on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this week, FYI – the award-winning weekly news show for young people from Sky Kids and Sky News – investigates what war is really like through the stories of Ukrainian children.

FYI Investigates: Children of War provides an overview of the war in Ukraine one year on. It follows the stories of children who have been affected by the war and looks at how their lives have changed since it began. Through hearing these children’s stories, this film helps young people in the UK understand the impact the war has had on Ukrainian children and empathise with the plight of refugees fleeing from war.

Teacher notes

  Part 1: Overview of the children and their stories
  Part 2:
Discussion questions for the film

These notes will help you unpick FYI Investigates: Children of War with your pupils. They include brief summaries of each child’s story, timecodes of where the stories appear in the film and questions to help you lead discussions about the film with your class. The questions are provided in chronological order as the sections appear in the film.

This material is intended as a guide only, and teachers should use their own judgement on how best to use the film to support their pupils’ understanding of, and reaction to, the events of the past year. Particular care must be taken if refugee Ukrainian students are part of your school community. All teachers should watch the complete film before sharing with students.

Click here to watch more of our Investigates films.

Click here to watch this week’s FYI show.

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