COP26: In Your Hands

First News TV - Climate Crisis


As world leaders gather in Glasgow for COP26, six young climate activists from six different continents deliver a powerful message about how climate change is already having an impact on their lives.

The six campaigners are all teenagers who care deeply about the environment and have become concerned about the damage we’ve been doing to our planet. All of them have ideas about what needs to be done to save the Earth from destruction.

The programme features climate activists from Brazil, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Cameroon and the UK, representing all of the Earth’s six habitable continents. Together, the young people present an emotive ‘call to action’ from the world’s children to the politicians who are gathering in Glasgow.

This landmark documentary, commissioned by Sky Kids, is introduced by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as well as HRH The Prince of Wales.

To minimise the production’s carbon footprint, the production team have used local crews wherever possible, including indigenous camera operators and producers. In some cases, the climate activists have filmed some of their own footage.

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