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Loving news-based learning? Share your experience

What positive impact has First News Education had on your pupils?

Record a video on your smartphone between 15 seconds and 1 minute long explaining what news-based learning has meant to you and your school. Simply upload it using the form below for the chance to win a bundle of prizes worth more than £330!

Here are some ideas on what you could include:

  • “I/we chose to use news-based learning in school because…”
  • “The biggest impact First News Education has had on our school is…”
  • “What we love most about [your favourite product] is…”
  • “I recommend First News Education to other teachers because…”

Need inspiration? Hear what others have said…


Complete the form below to submit your video.

  • Accepted file types: mov, mp4, avi.
  • If you would prefer we do not use your full name, please confirm how you would like your details displayed.
  • I authorise First News Education to use the Testimonial video content and written comment I have provided in marketing and promotional efforts, including, but not limited to, advertisements, social media posts, brochures and other promotional materials. I waive any claim to inspect, edit or approve of any materials where the Testimonial is used. I also waive any claim to copyright the Testimonial or materials where the Testimonial appears, and waive any claim to financial compensation or gain from using the Testimonial.