Boys’ Biggest Conversation
Media Smart and First News have come together to create the Boys’ Biggest Conversation – a campaign to encourage young men, across the UK, to talk about body image and the effect it has on their mental wellbeing.
With the help of TV doctor and youth specialist, Dr Ranj, we’ve made a fascinating short film featuring boys from schools around the country. To accompany this, we have a lesson resource pack focusing on the representation of the male body in the media. Designed for students aged 11–14 years of both genders, it will help them understand how this issue can affect everyone’s body confidence, supporting the delivery of the KS3 PSHE curriculum.
Plus, by completing the form, you’ll get access to the First News Education newsletter, bringing you free topical, news-based resources as well as case studies, giveaways and more, direct to your inbox every other week.
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