School Newspaper of the Year 2022-23


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We are holding the First News School Newspaper of the Year Awards for the academic year 2022-2023! Closing date for entries in Friday 16 June 2023.

School Newspaper of the Year 2022-23

First News School Newspaper of the Year Awards: Enter by 16 June 2023


It’s that time of year again! We’re out to find the best school newspapers of 2022-23 and to discover what your junior journalists have been up to.

It has been a busy year in the news, with Britain’s longest-serving monarch passing away and the devastating war breaking out in Ukraine. There have been some positive and uplifting moments in the past year too though! The England women’s team won the 2022 Euro’s, the James Webb Space Telescope started to send back incredible images and the UK came second place in the Eurovision Song Contest!

Last year, we were so impressed with all the entries we received and were amazed at what you’d all managed to achieve. So, we can’t wait to see what everyone has been up to this year.

It doesn’t matter whether your school has created a newspaper, newsletter, blog, podcast, broadcast or if you’ve been contributing to a local newspaper or news website, all entries are welcome.

Send your entries to us by Friday 16 June 2023. We will inform the winners in the first week of July and the winning entries will feature in a First News special report later that month.

This year’s five award categories

You can enter for the following awards:

  1. Primary School Newspaper
  2. Secondary School Newspaper
  3. Editorial Team of the Year
    Enter for this award if your editorial team has proven to work collaboratively to make your school newspaper/news output happen.
  4. Innovative News Award
    Enter for this award if your students have:

    • Created a news website, blog, podcast or broadcast.
    • Written news reports for a local newspaper or the school newsletter.
    • Written / recorded and published news updates to raise awareness of an issue or project where they are trying to make a positive change in your community.
    • Or have an innovative news project to tell us about.
  1. First News Young Reporter Award
    This award can be entered by young people at home or by teachers for individual students at school. Enter for this award if:

    • You are a young person who has created a newspaper / newsletter independently at home for your local community or friends and relations. Or, if you have written and published news reports on an issue that matters to you, to raise awareness of this topic
    • If you are a teacher, and would like to enter your star reporter or investigative journalist from your school’s newspaper team

We’re looking for entries that…

  • Have stories and content that is just right for your readers.
  • Inform your community of the important issues they need to know about.
  • Challenges readers to think about the problems and dilemmas that affect us all.
  • Provide a little bit of fun and fascination to make your school newspaper a must-read for everyone!

Entering the awards

Please download and fill in the relevant entry form.

Please attach the newspaper or link to your news project to an email (along with this entry form) and send to: [email protected] by Friday 16 June 2023. We will inform the winners in the first week of July and the winning entries will feature in a First News special report later that month.

Last year’s winners

Primary School Winner 2021-22: Golborne Community Primary School

Secondary School Winner 2021-22: Bishopbriggs Academy

Innovative News Award 2021-22: Windsor Park Primary

Editorial Team Winner 2021-22: Ashcott Primary School

First News Young Reporter Winner 2021-22: Haleema Khan, Bishopbriggs Academy

2020-21 winners

Primary School Winner 2020-21: Ashcott Primary School

Secondary School Winner 2020-21: Manchester High School for Girls

Editorial Team Winner 2020-21: Notre Dame Catholic College

Find out more about their winning entries

Start a school newspaper at your school

Want to start your own school newspaper or develop your junior journalists’ skills?

Download the First News School Newspaper Club pack.
It contains lots of advice on how to set up a school newspaper and tips to improve journalistic skills.

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