First News TV - Mental Health


Teacher notes Lesson resource

Former girl band member, Frankie Bridge, joins Dr Alex and teenager Tilly to discuss why it’s important to speak up if you’re feeling down.


Follow up activities

These ideas are taken from Young Mind’s resources for schools.

Discussion: What self-care techniques help you?

Discuss in pairs what self-care techniques involving other people you find helpful when you are feeling a bit low. Are they the same self-care techniques Dr Alex and Frankie use?

Activity 1: Starting conversations to support friends

In groups – think of conversation starters you might use to support a friend who you think is worrying about something. How do you show a friend you are there for them and can listen?

Key things to remember: When listening to a friend, it is not your job to try to make everything ok. Just listening is often enough. If you think your friend needs some help, ask which trusted adult they would like to tell – perhaps you could volunteer to go with them. Remember, that you might have to tell a trusted adult if you worry that your friend could be in danger. So, do not promise your friend that you won’t tell a parent or a teacher. If you are worried about your own or a friend’s wellbeing then it is always best to tell a trusted adult, so that they can help. This could be a parent, carer, teacher, football coach etc. Safe sources of support also include Childline and Shout 85258.

Note to teachers/teaching staff: Feed back and make a list of conversation starters that students agree might be helpful such as: You don’t seem yourself; do you want to talk? Do you want me to talk to your mum/Ms X or Mr X?

Activity 2: Starting conversations to help yourself

Think of something that has been on your mind – you will not have to share this with anyone in the room. Think about who knows about this. For example, you might have told a friend, parent, boy/girlfriend, cousin etc.

Then ask yourself – who do you know who is good to talk to? Are there any of the same people in both groups? It is common to be able to identify people who are good to talk to, yet they are sometimes not the ones you always approach.

It might be worth repeating these exercises if you need to share something on your mind.