First News TV - Mental Health


Teacher notes Lesson resource

Dr Alex joins FYI presenter Tilly to look at the benefits of exercise on your physical and mental wellbeing. Plus, there’s a message from the one and only Joe Wicks MBE.


Follow up activities

These ideas are taken from PHE’s School Zone KS3 Physical and Mental Wellbeing lesson plan.

Activity 1:  Physical and mental wellbeing: true or false?

Complete the ‘True or false?’ statement activity sheet. Discuss the correct answers in pairs.

Note to teachers/teaching staff: Highlight to students that there are a lot of myths around wellbeing and quite often people do not know how they can make their bodies and minds feel better.

Activity 2: Strategies to support mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing

Following completion of activity one, use two different coloured pens to group the ‘true’ statements from activity one into strategies that support:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Physical wellbeing

In pairs explain your choices and answer the question: Were your choices the same?

Note to teachers/teaching staff: There are a variety of answers that could be given for this activity – the task is to highlight the difficulty in trying to separate strategies that promote mental and physical wellbeing – as the two are very closely linked.

Activity 3: The benefits of exercise on physical and mental wellbeing

Working in small groups, create a blog post or poster to show your understanding of the following benefits of exercise on physical and mental wellbeing.

Note to teachers/teaching staff: Answers from the Physical and Mental Wellbeing: True or False? activity sheet can be printed off for students to help with the task. To increase the challenge students can undertake the task individually or students can be chosen to share their work with the rest of the class. Follow up physical activity sessions A list of suggested physical activities to do before, during, and after the school day can be found at Your School Games.