We can beat the bullies!

First News TV - Kidversation


Teacher notes Lesson resource News articles

Overview: 1 in 4 of us become a victim of bullying at some point at school. Jude, Nung and Rose are encouraging you all to speak up about being bullied – they speak from experience and they are on a mission to encourage all of us to beat the bullies.
Curriculum areas: PSHCE/Citizenship
-To understand that many young people experience bullying
-To realise that speaking out about bullying is an important step in tackling it
-To further this understanding by hearing real stories of bullying and considering the advice given by the anti-bullying ambassadors
Age range: Year 5 – Year 9 (Upper KS2 – KS3)
Key words: Bullying, The Diana Award, speak out, stand up, experience, identity, sexuality, race