FYI Investigates: Escape From Ukraine

First News TV - Weekly News Show


In a special episode, FYI investigates what’s happened to some of the families who’ve been impacted by the war in Ukraine. Presenter Scarlett meets families fleeing the conflict, and gives us her thoughts about witnessing the mass movement of people into neighbouring countries.

FYI News Club

Calling all young journalists! This is your chance to report for First News and our friends at the Sky Kids weekly news show, FYI. Individuals, classes and even an entire school can join the First News and FYI News Club.

News Club members are invited to send us an idea for a story they are passionate about. You can also have your say on the big issues that affect you. We might ask you to make a report yourself to be featured in First News and on FYI and we might even come to you to help you film and write up your story.

The News Club is all about giving more of you a chance to have your say in First News and on FYI.

News Clubs in schools are also provided with classroom resources for teachers to help create debate and understand that week’s news. See below for this weeks resources.

STEP 1: Watch FYI

Watch the current episode of FYI: For Your Info, available here.

STEP 2: FYI News Club Chat Episode 165

The FYI News Club Chat discussion question resource supports your students to discuss the news items presented in the show. Download the chat sheet.

STEP 3: FYI Weekly Feedback

Tell us the news stories your FYI News Club want investigated by filling out our feedback form.

Step 4 – For fun to finish: First News Kahoot! News Quiz

Challenge your club with this week’s First News Kahoot! News Quiz. Our free interactive news quiz features ten questions on the stories featured in this week’s issue of First News. More information on how to play Kahoot! quizzes can be found here.

For more information on starting a FYI News Club visit our blog page


1. COP 26: In their hands

Watch six films by six young climate activists from six different continents. The films, made with Sky Kids, deliver a powerful message about how climate change is already having an impact on their lives, as world leaders gather in Glasgow for COP26.

2. What’s on your mind? with Dr Alex

The Government’s Youth Mental Health Ambassador, Dr Alex George, presents this series of five films on First News Education TV developed with the Department for Education and Sky Kids. In the series, dedicated to mental health and wellbeing,

Watch previous FYI episodes