
General Election 2024

The PM has called a general election on the 4th July 2024.

Why does this matter for schools and pupils?

Children may not have a vote but they do have a voice!

Our fundamental belief at First News is that, if the world is to become a better place, the next generation has to be better informed than the last and it’s crucial now more than ever that young people are informed in an accurate and unbiased way.

Young people make up over 20% of the UK population, but are 100% of the future, so it’s really important they get their say about the issues they care about.

First News Children’s Party

The Children’s Party is bringing young people together to get your voices heard about the things that matter to you. 

Assembly Pack

This pack has been developed and designed by the First News editorial and education teams, as a useful way to frame discussions in classrooms that may arise in connection with the 2024 General Election.

What’s included:

  • Assembly PowerPoint slides and teacher script
  • Additional resource (AR) 1: Shall we vote on it? (Instructions and sorting cards)
  • Additional resource (AR) 2: What matters to me (Instructions; ‘things that matter to me’ poster; ‘things that matter to me’ planning sheet; themed writing paper)
  • Additional resource (AR) 3: Children’s Party manifesto poster

Debate: Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

You have to be 18 to vote in general elections in the UK, but this isn’t the case everywhere around the world.

In some elections in the UK, 16 and 17-year-olds are allowed to vote, such as for the Welsh and Scottish Parliaments.

But, young people are less likely to vote than older people.

Some people think if 16 and 17-year-olds vote, then the turnout (the percentage of people who vote) will go down. Others think that young people should be able to have a say on issues that affect them.

Debate: Should politicians pay more attention to children’s voices?

With a general election fast approaching, politicians are keen to win over voters of all ages. As young people under the age of 18 are unable to vote, in what ways are their views taken into consideration?

  • Are you interested in politics?
  • What do you think the voting age should be?
  • Do you think that young people can be easily influenced by others?