Benefits for all First News subscribing schools

Learning Resources

Home » Tips for Teachers » Learning Resources » Benefits for all First News subscribing schools

  • Our weekly news quiz is a fun, interactive activity that engages children with current events, develops cultural awareness and retrieval skills, and promotes discussion through weekly quizzes based on recent news stories.
  • Link to bookmark!

  • If you have students who love investigating the world around them and who want to be skilled-up and ready to spot fake news, join the First News FYI News Club!
  • It’s completely free to set up and run! You will be given free resources to run your news club!
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  • Access to award-winning videos, presented by kids for kids, that open a window on the world they are growing up in. All videos are ideal for topical assemblies and English, PSHE, citizenship and humanities lessons.
  • New episodes of “FYI: Weekly News Show” are released every Friday in partnership with Sky Kids and First News. New episodes of 2-3 minute “Quick News” short clips are released throughout the week for up-to-date news.
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  • Regular chances to win with our competitions.
  • From a new video game for pupils, stationery for your class, or tickets for your staff.

  • We work with our partners to ensure our teachers and educators benefit from discounts, freebies, competitions and opportunities to help support your school.

  • Here five days a week to offer dedicated account management to support, inspire news-based lessons, provide product demos and refreshers, and answer any questions you may have.
  • Email [email protected]

  • A chance to give students real-life journalism experience!
  • We will send out weekly opportunities for your school, or any of your students (aged 7-14) who would like to get involved.
  • This could include free tickets to review an upcoming film or musical, or a prompt to write a news article that could be published in the newspaper!

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