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First News engages our pupils
“The debating and poll elements of the newspaper are fantastic and support our whole-school focus on developing oracy superbly. And what we see is our young people at their best, discussing current issues that matter to them in thoughtful, articulate ways. When people suggest that young people are disengaged with what’s going in the world, engagement with First News proves the absolute opposite.”
Richard Long, English Lead Practitioner, St Michael’s Catholic School, UK
I love First News International
“My pupils love First News, they’re talking a lot more about current affairs and what’s going on around the world – they are constantly asking questions. First News covers all issues and doesn’t shield children, instead they are just careful about how the information is delivered, great addition to the classroom.”
Tom Irvin, Year 4 Teacher, Dulwich Prep London, UK
We love First News!
“We are absolutely loving it – the students are really engaged and the English department gave it a huge thumbs up.”
Ms McGauley, Senior Librarian, Jumeirah English Speaking School, Dubai