Motorsports: the next generation (02:58)
Kids go behind the scenes in motorsports to test drive a career in F1.
As well as our FYI: Weekly News Show, you can now check out the FYI short clips for up-to-date news throughout the week. Great for quick news updates and bite-sized learning.
Kids go behind the scenes in motorsports to test drive a career in F1.
Fake or fact? Scientists took inspiration from toy bricks when testing future building materials for the moon.
Too young to vote? We find out if kids want to vote at 16.
Thousands of kids in England and Wales have taken part in a huge mock election and FYI has the results.
Kids in Scotland tell us what they want from a new government.
Kids in Wales tell us what they want from a new government.
We catch up with one of the youngest members of Team GB – the 19-year-old climbing sensation, Toby Roberts.
Fake news or fact: Can people in Scotland win cash for taking a photo putting rubbish in a bin?
Kids in Northern Ireland tell us what they want from a new government.
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