These ideas are taken from PHE’s School Zone KS3 Sleep lesson plan.
Discuss any of the following questions:
Can you help design an app or a podcast to support young people struggling with their sleep? Explain that students are going to be working in small groups to create a B-E-D app or podcast to help support young people struggling with their sleep. Each group will produce a feature of the app or podcast to give advice and suggestions in one of the three areas:
Allocate one of the three features to groups or allow students to choose for themselves. Show the class the second half of the NHS Better Health: Every Mind Matters video (1:28 – end) to give the students ideas. Encourage students to be creative; they could make up rhymes, draw images, suggest music or anything else to make an awesome app or podcast! Students can re-watch the video if needed. Each group can then prepare a two-minute presentation to feedback to the rest of the class.
Success criteria…try to include:
Draw an image of a positive bedroom environment and annotate it with notes on what makes good quality sleep.
Create a poster of ways to encourage students to use less technology in their bedtime routine that could be put up around school or published in a school magazine.
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