This week on FYI: For Your Info, the weekly news show from Sky Kids, it’s a special edition – FYI Investigates: Kids with long COVID. An estimated 117,000 children across the UK are struggling to shake off coronavirus symptoms weeks, even months, after falling ill with the virus. Many are struggling to get the medical help that they need and some have missed out on school for more than a year. In this special episode, the kids with long COVID tell their story.
Next week on FYI: For Your Info, we investigate the problems of walking while looking at mobile phones as First News launches its ‘Look Up’ campaign. Plus, we meet the kids in care who tackle problems at home through dance.
All resources needed are provided to set up these 30-minute extra-curricular clubs, with no preparation needed by the teachers who run them. There are four simple steps to every FYI News Club.
Watch the current episode of FYI: For Your Info, available here.
The FYI News Club Chat discussion question resource supports your students to discuss the serious, fascinating and silly news items presented in the show. Available here.
Tell us the news stories your FYI News Club want investigated by filling out our feedback form.
Challenge your club with this week’s First News Kahoot! News Quiz. Our free interactive news quiz features ten questions on the stories featured in this week’s issue of First News. More information on how to play Kahoot! quizzes can be found here.
Watch six films by six young climate activists from six different continents. The films, made with Sky Kids, deliver a powerful message about how climate change is already having an impact on their lives, as world leaders gather in Glasgow for COP26.
2. What’s on your mind? with Dr Alex
The Government’s Youth Mental Health Ambassador, Dr Alex George, presents this series of five films on First News Education TV developed with the Department for Education and Sky Kids. In the series, dedicated to mental health and wellbeing,
These resources are available to you if your school has an active First News Education subscription. Your ID can be found in the email we sent you containing your order details. If you can't find it, call us on 01371 851 898.
If you do not currently have a subscription, you can view options here.
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