All resources provided can be used to run 30-minute extra-curricular clubs, with no preparation needed by teachers who run them. There are four simple steps to running a club, listed below. To sign up to the News Club and receive resources, visit this page.
Watch the current episode of Sky Kids FYI, available here.
The FYI News Club Chat sheet is a discussion question resource and supports your students to discuss the news items presented in the show.
The First News weekly quiz helps your pupils to explore the news this week in a fun and engaging way.
Sign up to the News Club to get a weekly email containing opportunities to get your pupils involved as junior journalists for First News and FYI.
Want to know more about how vaccines work, what causes climate change or discover the future of space travel? Watch our series of top-end explainers, using the latest computer graphics to tackle complex issues and news stories for children.
Watch two series of films made by Sky Kids that deliver powerful messages about climate change. Six children from six continents set out to explore solutions to the huge problems facing our planet and deliver powerful messages to world leaders ahead of COP26 and COP27.
These resources are available to you if your school has an active First News Education subscription. Your ID can be found in the email we sent you containing your order details. If you can't find it, call us on 01371 851 898.
If you do not currently have a subscription, you can view options here.
Enter your First News Education ID to access the lesson resources: